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Going The Distance

Featured Artist

This Saturday we're happy to be opening for Ed Miller, who we've known since he was a Folkways DJ on KUT who Sherry met when she wandered into a sort of engagement party for Third Coast Music's John and DL Conquest at Jovita's, the first time she had met any of the participants. She was subsequently invited to the wedding.

We love the Austin Acoustical Cafe, with its house concert feel and intimate setting. We're Kampmates with David Crabb and Joe Angel at the Kerrville Folk Festival where David first heard our songs and Joe held his first 'house concert' in a 'big a--" tent during a thunderstorm, and we played "Fortunate Man".

We're looking forward to sharing our songs with you. We'll have Rich Brotherton and Ron Flynt with us, both of whom have recorded with us since 2007. Our latest album, "Going the Distance" features both of them and is doing well both with press and radio.

Hope we'll see you at the show.

-- Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus

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